#BeautyRecap: August 7th, 2018

Research and Technology

The effect of milk consumption on acne: a meta‐analysis of observational studies

A single center, randomized, double-blinded, multiple-exposure evaluation of SPF 50+ and SPF 100+ sunscreens for prevention of erythema under actual use conditions

Reflectance confocal microscopy and image analysis to evaluate the efficacy of a topical facial serum with 20% vitamin C in improving signs of aging

Properties of sunscreen influence its application

Motivations to use, and to stop use of, tanning beds among sexual-minority men: A qualitative study

Effect of adding a diet with index and low glycemic load for 12 weeks in the treatment of moderate acne: Randomized clinical trial

A retinoid composition that improves skin aging attributes without irritation

Antiaging effects of retinoid hydroxypinacolone retinoate on skin models

A comprehensive facial skin brightening regimen uses a multimechanistic approach to delivering pigment-evening benefits in an ethnically diverse population

Analysis of gut microbiome in patients with acne vulgaris

An observational study to evaluate a novel facial masque in improving the tolerability of common esthetic procedures

Antiglycation effect of unique topical facial cream containing carnosine and alteromonas ferment extract in epidermis and dermis of human skin explants

An effective yet gentle foaming facial cleanser specifically designed for redness-prone skin

A qualitative study on the attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs of urban adult Filipinos on sunlight exposure

Synergistic effects of long-wavelength ultraviolet A1 and visible light on pigmentation and erythema

Using Google search data for “sunburn” as a surrogate for sunburn incidence in the United States

An international comparison of Google searches for sunscreen, sunburn, skin cancer, and melanoma: Current trends and public health implications

Training hairdressers to screen for skin cancer of the scalp and neck

The impact of education on the attitude and usage of sunscreen by middle school age children

Skin hydration comparison of five prescribed emollients

Sensitive skin in France: Updated epidemiologic data

Topical treatments without hydroquinone as an option in the treatment of melasma: A case study

A pilot study of skin age analysis with the use of ultraviolet photography reveals trends in sun exposure behaviors among adolescents

Antioxidant capacity of a comprehensive topical antioxidant system versus a leading antioxidant serum when exposed to oxidative stress in an ex vivo human skin model

Understanding important skin aging parameters related to ethnicity: A comprehensive study

What is the most satisfactory treatment for skin tightening according to age?

Treatment of moderate-to-severe facial acne vulgaris with the use of a solid-state fractional 589/1,319-nm laser

Topical DNA repair enzyme cream for the treatment of actinic cheilitis

Efficacy of a moisturizer containing a pseudo‐ceramide and a eucalyptus extract for Japanese patients with mild atopic dermatitis in the Summer
Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology

Anti-oxidative effects of 17 β-estradiol and genistein in human skin fibroblasts and keratinocytes
Journal of Dermatological Science

Preliminary randomized controlled trial of antiaging effects of l‐ascorbic acid applied in combination with no‐needle and microneedle mesotherapy
Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology

Measuring the frequency of consumer hair combing and magnitude of combing forces on individual hairs in a tress and the implications for product evaluation and claims substantiation
International Journal of Cosmetic Science

Use of LC‐MS analysis to elucidate by‐products of niacinamide transformation following in vitro skin permeation studies
International Journal of Cosmetic Science

Efficacy and safety of the traditional Japanese medicine Keigairengyoto in the treatment of Acne vulgaris
Dermatology Research & Practice

Effect of Evening Primrose oil on Korean patients With mild atopic dermatitis: A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical study
Annals of Dermatology

Possible role of single stranded DNA Binding Protein 3 on skin hydration by regulating epidermal differentiation
Annals of Dermatology

Three streams for the mechanism of hair graying
Annals of Dermatology

Intradermal injection of Botulinum toxin: A safer treatment modality for forehead wrinkles
Annals of Dermatology