#BeautyRecap: July 25th, 2018

Research and Technology

Transepidermal water loss in healthy adults: a systematic review and meta‐analysis update
British Journal of Dermatology

Chronic sun exposure is associated with histone acetylation changes
British Journal of Dermatology

Histone H3 acetylation is a conduit of gene expression perturbations in photodamaged skin
British Journal of Dermatology

Expression of vitamin D receptor in naevi and melanoma
British Journal of Dermatology

Long-term sheltering mustaches reduce incidence of lower lip actinic keratosis

Sunscreen use and melanoma risk among young Australian adults
JAMA Dermatology

A comparison of tanning habits among gym tanners and other tanners
JAMA Dermatology

Effect of stress ball use or hand-holding on anxiety during skin cancer excision: A randomized clinical trial
JAMA Dermatology

Decision tree model vs traditional measures to identify patterns of sun-protective behaviors and sun sensitivity associated with sunburn
JAMA Dermatology

Light-sheet microscopy reveals site-specific 3-dimensional patterns of the cutaneous vasculature and pronounced rarefication in aged skin
Journal of Dermatological Science

Endocannabinoid tone regulates human sebocyte biology
Journal of Investigative Dermatology

Facial wrinkles in Europeans: A genome-wide association study
Journal of Investigative Dermatology

Wrinkles, brown spots, and cancer: Relationship between appearance and health‐based knowledge and sunscreen use
Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology

Effect of a botanical cleansing lotion on skin sebum and erythema of the face: A randomized controlled blinded half‐side comparison
Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology

Assessing the skin barrier via corneocyte morphometry
Experimental Dermatology

Noninvasive analysis and minimally invasive in vivo experimental challenges of the skin barrier
Experimental Dermatology

Intrinsic and extrinsic regulation of human skin melanogenesis and pigmentation
International Journal of Cosmetic Science

Hair colour and skin colour together influence perceptions of age, health and attractiveness in lightly pigmented young women
International Journal of Cosmetic Science

Photoexposed skin, skin ageing, Bateman’s purpura and local vitamin C deficiency

Chemical peels in the treatment of acne: patient selection and perspectives
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology

Relations between epidermal barrier dysregulation and staphylococci-dominated microbiome dysbiosis in atopic dermatitis
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

Pre-treatment of extracellular water-soluble pigmented secondary metabolite of marine imperfect fungus protects HDF cells from UVB induced oxidative stress
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences

The antibacterial effect in vitro of honey derived from various Danish flora
Dermatology Research and Practice

Socioeconomics of atopic dermatitis – can we afford new treatments?
Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology

Atopic dermatitis in US adults – epidemiology, association with marital status and atopy
Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology

A novel stilbene-like compound that reduces melanin through inhibiting melanocyte differentiation and proliferation without inhibiting tyrosinase

Cytoprotection of antioxidant biocompounds from grape pomace: Further exfoliant phytoactive ingredients for cosmetic products

Analysis of dyes in cosmetics: Challenges and recent developments

Keratosis pilaris and its subtypes: Associations, new molecular and pharmacologic etiologies, and therapeutic options
American Journal of Clinical Dermatology

The eraser challenge — Self-inflicted friction injuries in a school child