Plasma Lighting Invades Hollywood, Thanks to Nikola Tesla
How Hollywood is using lights based on Nikola Tesla’s experiments to give stars that glam glow.
Plasma Lighting Invades Hollywood, Thanks to Nikola Tesla
How Hollywood is using lights based on Nikola Tesla’s experiments to give stars that glam glow.
like those used by CosDNA? Have these been discredited, or is there something to them? I see lots of people attempting to single out and eliminate specific acne “triggers” — i.e. specific troubling ingredients — and I’m wondering if so doing is a fool’s errand? What do you think?
CosDNA doesn’t list their sources (to my knowledge), but comedogenicity data is generally performed on rabbits, or rabbit ears specifically.
A high % (50% to 100%) of the ingredient is placed on the ear for a period of time and then monitored for comedones. Sometimes the ingredient is injected under the skin.
Researchers started coming to conclusions that moved them away from using these 1 ingredient animal results.
Firstly, while rabbit ears easily form comedones, they don’t correlate to human skin.
And secondly, using 1 ingredient in a high concentration doesn’t reflect its use in a consumer product.
Human sebum, for example, is very comedogenic. But it doesn’t cause problems for everyone.
My personal opinion is that the melting point of an oil or wax is more indicative of whether it will cause clogs or not. If your skin is warm enough to melt it, it’ll remain in a more fluid state, and less likely to clog pores.
It gets more complicated when you consider irritancy of an ingredient as well. While an ingredient might not be pore clogging, if it can cause enough irritation it may cause already formed microcomedones or comedones to erupt into inflammatory acne. This sometimes gets characterized as “purging”, especially common with prescription retinoids and chemical peels.
Hope that helps!
FDA Shoots Down Next-Gen Sunscreens
In December 2014, US President Barack Obama signed into law the Sunscreen Innovation Act (SIA), a law intended to get new sunscreen ingredients approved more quickly.
FDA now has an answer for all existing sunscreen applicants: Your applications don’t contain enough data.
“We tentatively determined … that we need more data to decide if these ingredients are, in fact, GRASE for use in OTC sunscreen products,” wrote Theresa Michele, FDA’s director of Nonprescription Drug Products. As such, all eight ingredients have been rejected and sent back to applicants with requests for additional data.
Babies Made With DNA From Any 2 People Could Be Just 2 Years Away!
Researchers from Cambridge University have shown for the first time that it is possible to make human egg and sperm cells using skin from two adults of the same sex.
Palm Oil Continues to Destroy Indonesia’s Wildlife
Between 2000 and 2010 the prices for logs, pulp and palm oil have increased by up to 333% (see also here).
Logging lowland forests in Sabah (northern Borneo) can return profits of US$9000-13,000 per hectare. After lands have been logged and converted to palm oil they can fetch an additional US$4000-11,000 per hectare.
So in the mean time the battle-line for the orang-utans and their forests is the due diligence of a global army of consumers, working everyday and everywhere at the cash register.
Sun Damage and Cancer: How UV Radiation Affects Our Skin
UV can produce a number of effects within the cell including specific types of DNA damage in skin cells and, with extreme UV exposure, cell death. Some of these types of oxidative DNA and nucleotide damage, and failure of the cells to repair this damage can prompt cells to mutate, leading to the development of skin cancers.